Tag Archives: planning the aquarium

Speeding up maintenance and planning a planted aquarium

Iwagumi Aquarium Aquascaping

There are many ways to speed up the monthly maintenance and plant care on a rimless planted aquarium. The key is planning and designing the aquarium along with choosing equipment and aquascaping tools that make the task less challenging and more fun. How much time does it take to maintain a planted tank? Everyone loves […]

Planted Tanks With Fish: Simple Steps to Success

Aquarium Blog Post

by John Tullock One of the most commonly asked questions I get regarding planted tanks goes something like: How do I keep it as simple as possible? While there really isn’t a short answer for that, here are some points to bear in mind when thinking about a planted aquarium with fish. Read More: CS […]

Getting Started in Planted Aquariums

by John Tullock OK, you’ve decided to explore the fun and fascinating hobby of planted aquariums. Where should you begin? How to answer that question depends largely upon your expectations. Here are some suggestions regarding different ways to go and how to get there. Low Tech, Low Maintenance If you don’t want to spend a […]

Thinking Ahead

Aquarium Blog Post

by John Tullock What brings you to the doorstep of the world of planted aquariums? Are you an experienced hobbyist or professional aquarist seeking new inspiration? A beginner not yet sure if a planted tank is for you? Does the idea of a planted aquarium as art attract your attention? Or are you more interested […]