Category Archives: AquaLife

Hydra Aquatics Tranquility Aquarium by aquaLife: Among the Best in the World

The Hydra Aquatics Tranquility Aquarium by aquaLife stands as a beacon of excellence when creating awe-inspiring aquascapes. Designed with precision, innovation, and beauty in mind, this aquarium has captured the hearts of aquascapers worldwide. Congratulations to David Bono: A Global Aquascaping Achievement We extend our heartfelt congratulations to David Bono for achieving 28th place in […]

Reverse Osmosis – RO Filter Guide

The following Reverse Osmosis RO guide will cover everything needed to purchase, set up, troubleshoot, and implement RO in your aquascaping setup or saltwater reef aquarium. Why do you need an RO filter? Most natural tropical waters have a water hardness of GH 4-5. US water hardness differs from county to county in each state, […]

Aquarium Botanicals: Organic Mulberry Leaves

If you keep ornamental shrimp, you’re going to LOVE these leaves! Mulberry leaves provide carbohydrates, fiber, and essential nutrients, such as phytosetrols, which are essential to shrimp for optimum health and reproduction. This makes ours a great value as well as a great supplemental shrimp food! Mulberry leaves are surprisingly nutritious supplemental foods for shrimp, […]

Inspiration – Professionals Use Hydra Aquatics Rimless Aquariums and Mr Aqua Tanks from AquaLife and Sevenports at Aquashella

Spend a few moments and see what some of the best aquascapers created within hours at Aquashella. Do not miss our galleries at these shows each year. Along with Oase and Tropica, we are proud sponsors of this important show. Thank you to Lifegard Aquatics for the lights at the Dallas 2021 show. Three more […]

The Hidden Benefits of Almond Leaves

Breeders in Southeast Asia noticed long ago that fish and shrimp that lived in waters next to any Terminalia Catappa tree, or the tropical Indian almond tree from the Leadwood tree family, were found to be healthier and more vibrant than their counterparts in other waters. Almond leaves have been used in the aquarium industry for […]